Daya bay cross check
Items for the cross check:
To implement -
Normalization of fission fractions: !9 (merged) -
Correlation between energy scale and detector efficiencies: !12 (merged) -
IAV scaling: !11 (merged)
The model -
Energy scale -
Implement LSNL weights -
Add monotonization -
Implement uncorrelated energy scale -
Cross check
Cross check Eres -
Backgrounds -
Implement Li/He fractions -
Check normalization factors: !8 (merged) -
Cross check backgrounds
Nuisance parameters -
Provide GNA data for ±σ for all the parameters -
Implement cross checking script -
Cross check nuisance parameters -
Fission fractions -
Li/He fractions -
All the others -
Huber+Mueller nuisance -
correlated -
Correlation between releff and relescale
Covariance matrix -
calculation script -
MetaNode -
Huber+Mueller nuisance parameters: -
interpolation/extrapolation -
scaling - to be checked based on the covariance matrix consistency
Edited by Maxim Gonchar