Restructure directories structure
This issue is a proposal how to solve the milestone %Redesign current directories to reflect multi-layered structure.
Proposed restructuring of directories. Idea is to put directories (libraries) of same function into same subfolder (core, simulation, tracking) directories.pdf
Current state of cross-library dependencies. Arrow points to directory (library) that uses (links) source, e.g. mpdBase->kalman
shows that kalman
links (uses) source from directory mpdBase
modules.pdf. Color distinguishes different directory (library) types: blue - core libraries, green - tracking, red - detectors, violet - Monte Carlo, coral - to remove/integrate.
As a part of this effort, file/library naming convention should be agreed on (e.g., mpdbase can be changed to mpdBase as it would be easier to read). I did not find any file/library naming convention. It is somewhere?