Redesign current directories to reflect multi-layered structure
EDIT: 2022-04-25
- we should address the directory structure of detectors - they should reflect the specific tasks
- the directories such as reconstruction, should not be detector specific
EDIT (DONE as of 2022-04-25): Decisions made on the meeting 2022-02-07 directories.pdf
We need proper multilayered directory structure.
Directories which must be in the top level
- detectors (with each detector having its subdirectory. DONE: 2022-01-27)
- cmake
- config/gconfig
- generators
- geometry
- input
- macro/macros
- physics
- scripts
- doxygen (right now, it is not working and we don't have resources to support/maintain this)
- clustering
- eventdisplay
- kalman
- lhetrack
- mcstack
- mpdbase
- mpddst
- mpdfield
- mpdpid
- passive
- shield_pack